Sunday, November 10, 2013

File Sharing: Dropbox is your first choice


             Do you still struggle with small capacity of email when you want to share your travel photos to your friends? Do you still use the portable drive which is easy to lose to store and transit your assignments?  Do not bother now. Dropbox can help you to overcome all the issues. 

             Simplicity is one of Dropbox’s greatest strengths. It is easy to install. After installed, you can use it like normal virtual folder. 

             After you store your material in Dropbox, you can access them from your computers and phone. You can view, edit and transit your photos and videos from everywhere.


           When you work a project with group, you can use Dropbox to control who can see your files. This semester, I have working a project with a group of eleven. It is hard to gather us together to share our information. It is convenient to use Dropbox to upload, share and view our big size files to each other.
          When you take a video by using your phone and save it in the Dropbox, even you lost your phone; you need not worry about losing data. All the video and data safely store in your Dropbox.
          Dropbox provides 256-bit AES encryption and two step verification to secure your files.
         If you open a free account, you can get 2GB of storage which is not enough for storage. If you pay monthly fee which ranges from $10 for 100GB to $50 for 500 GB, you can enjoy more Dropbox’s great features.
         Dropbox also provides services for business by admin controls and supports.
         Weigh the merits of Dropbox, you can find that Dropbox is your first choice for file sharing.
                                   Anywhere                                Security                                   Tools                                                   


  1. Yibei,
    Nice work on the blog. It is very simple, brief, and effective. I like how you explain the various aspects of DropBox with ease. The overall flow and structure makes the blog easy to understand. I like how you describe both the free and paid versions of this application and leave the readers with a option of choosing their pick.
    The only advise i would give is to use more links to make your post credible. Also, rather than calling DropBox THE best, it is better to call it 'competitive' or 'more efficient'.
    Good Job and happy blogging!

    - Tushar

  2. hi Yibei,

    The post explained what DropBox is and why you think it is a useful tool well. However, the post seems lacking in focus on DropBox as you mention other things like the situation you had to use it in. While it does give a reason to use it, it is very specific. DropBox does have its limitations and there are several factors where other file sharing sources are better so it would add to you post if you added. The post should use some sources and citations.

  3. Hello Yibei,

    Very nice job on your blog! I really enjoyed it because I saw a personal voice throughout the whole blog. It was engaging with the questions but also very informative for a person that does not know anything about dropbox. In addition, it was organized and to the point. I think you did everything correct and I honestly don’t know what to suggest to you. Keep up the good work and c

  4. Hi Yibei,

    I like the very simple and clear explanation on the benefits of Dropbox, it helps reinforce the fact that it is easy to use by being easy to understand. I will say though that there are better options for project sharing, like Github. Dropbox doesn't have version control or show changes made between people.
