Sunday, November 3, 2013

Data Structure: Fundermental Course in Computer Science

         When I transferred to SJSU from De Anza College, I  found out that the Data Structure for java is the  first requirement of my enrolled courses. In my first semester, I enrolled four courses, three of them needed Data Structure background and the last one was Data Structure and Algorithm, an advance study for Data Structure.  Since then, I have realized how important the Data Structure is. 

         “In computer science,  a data structure is a particular way of storing and organizing data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently.”(Wiki)  Different data structures are used in different application’s requirement. 

          In computer science, there are three kinds of data types: primitive types, composite types and abstract data types.
        The common data structures are:
 . Linear data structure: Arrays and Lists
 . Trees:  Binary trees, B- trees, heaps, multiway trees, etc.
 . Hashes
 . Graphs

        The choice of data structure is fundamental for a program. Some data structures are highly specialized to specific tasks.  

        In here, I list the advantages of trees as example.                                                                             
Advantages of trees:                                                                    
. Trees are used to represent hierarchies
. Trees provide an efficient insertion and searching
. Trees are very flexible data, allowing moving subtrees around with minimum effort

         In the most of the biggest IT companies’ interview, the data structure is the important aspect which the interviewer will ask.  An efficient data structure will clear the programmers’ logic. By using suited data structure, the programmers will quickly finish the task’s requirement.  The company will show to the customers with well performance product.  That is the reason why the big company always focuses on data structure. That is the reason why school treats  Data Structure as a basic computer science course.

1 comment:

  1. Yibei,

    Your blog post was very informative! It's like you just taught me Data Structures & Algorithms in one sitting. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to retain all the information I learned in that class since most things just went in and out of my head after all the exams and what not, but reading your post was a nice review of everything! I also liked how you briefly mentioned the common types of data structures as well as advantages of one of them. Keep up the great work!
