Friday, November 29, 2013

Communication and Security: Cyber Security and SJSU

     Someone treats Edward Snowden as hero. Someone treats Edward Snowden as traitor. No matter how to call him, Edward Snowden reveals an issue, communication and security. Snowden disclosed up that The US government monitored the European’s calls including the Chancellor of German. Since then, the communication security has been taken on the table again.


        As a computer science major student, what are the hot issues on computer field is what I want to concern about. I checked the courses and the professors’ paper for questions about the communication security. I found that San Jose State and lots CS professors have already put efforts on the issue.

      “For the past two years, San Jose State has led an ongoing conversation with the community, government and industry leaders to educate the public, identify needs and vet requirements for a collegiate cyber security program.” San Jose State develops several programs on Cyber Security, such as Summer Boot Camp on Cyber Challenge. The goal of SJSU is to provide the pipeline to the students, educators and industry the knowledge of the Cyber security.


       Dr. Stamp had seven years’ experience as a cryptanalyst. He is an expert on crypt. He teaches CS166 (Information Security), CS 265 (Cryptography and Computer Security) and CS266 (Topics in Information Security).

       Dr. Pollett guided the master students on Stealthy Ciphertext and he taught CS1669 information Security) too.

      Dr.Austin wrote a book named “Designing a Secure Programming Language”. He teaches Information Security, CS166.

      If you are interested in Cyber security, come to SJSU and enjoy the courses which SJSU provides.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Yibei,
    Your post is a nice promotion of security courses at SJSU. Looks like you did a good research on security courses at SJSU and professors who teach these courses. Good job! But it would have been nice if the post had your ideas and opinions about communication security. Also there are some grammatical errors in your post. I would suggest you to use Criterion. By the way, did you take any of those security courses?
