Saturday, November 23, 2013

Artificial Intelligence: Is it possible that artificial intelligence take place of human being in the future?

          The industrial revolution is a milestone which represents that machine operation began to   replace hand operation. After century’s development, computer science became an important factor that cannot be ignored. From my point of view, artificial intelligence is an elusive field and ultimate goal of computer science.

        What is artificial intelligence? “Artificial intelligence (AI) is technology that studies and develops intelligent machines and software.”(Wikipedia)  One of the popular issues about artificial intelligence is that it is possible that artificial intelligence takes place of human being in the future. My answer is yes and no.

         “Yes” means that in some fields, artificial intelligence can replace the human being. Nowadays, some big companies or research centers devote their time to developing the technology of artificial intelligence. In some situation, especially in hazardous situations which humans cannot reach, instead humans, artificial intelligence will be the main force because artificial intelligence is not affected by the environment or self- demand, such as high temperature, hunger, nuclear radiation, etc.  It is the development trend that artificial intelligence will take place of human being in some fields because of its accuracy and insusceptible.
       “No” means that artificial intelligence cannot shake human’s predominant position.  Although artificial intelligence is superior in many fields, as the producer, humans cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence. 

       The main reason is that artificial intelligence does not think. Human can load programs to let artificial intelligence to complete what humans are not capable to finish.  Artificial intelligence cannot think, invent, develop and innovate.   

       What is your opinion?


1 comment:

  1. Hi Yibei,
    Very nice post on AI. Today in many fields humans are replaced by robots especially for labor intense works. One way this is good because, unlike humans machines don’t get tired and don’t need breaks. But on the other hand, it reduces the employment opportunities for humans.
    While watching some science fiction movies even I used ask myself, “What if machines take over humans?” I’m afraid what the consequences might be and I hope it only happens in movies.
