Sunday, December 15, 2013

Scientific Computing: Matlab

          Scientific computing is widely used in solving complicated scientific problems. As a useful scientific computing application, Matlab, one of well-known languages, works on commercial mathematical aspects.

         Matlab represents matrix and laboratory. Compare to traditional computer languages, C and C++,     Matlab is software application which can quickly deal with various scientific computing problems. Matlab is considered as one of the standard software tools in scientific fields.

          Matlab is used for "a range of applications, including signal processing and communications, image and video processing, control systems, test and measurement, computational finance, and computational biology." (Wiki)

          The Matlab’s main functions are listed as follow.

     Matlab combines the high performance numerical computation and visualization
together and provides plentiful built-in functions.
          Matlab’s algorithm ensures the accurate results of computing.

   Matlab provides variable developing tools, such as Matlab editor, M-lint code checker, Matlab profiler
and directory reports.

     Matlab provides a simple and easily used developing language, M language. M language has a similar syntax and style as C language.  M language is open source language. The developers can view and fix the exist codes or they can add their new customized function in the codes 

          Matlab’s toolboxes enforce the supporting for the technical and mathematical special application.  

         Because of Matlab’s useful function, I used it in my last semester’s math 178 course which the professor asked our group to build a mathematical model for diamond ring price. Matlab did help us to do a great job on our project.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yibei!

    While I have heard of Matlab before, I have never really used it before and looked into using it. It seems like Matlab can be very helpful when used effectively in a large variety of applications. Thanks for the interesting blog. I think I am going to try using Matlab in a project that I am currently working on.
