Sunday, October 13, 2013

Java: My favorite open source

      “Open source refers to a computer program in which the source code is available to the general   public for use and/or modification from its original design. Open source code is typically created as a collaborative effort in which programmers improve upon the code and share the changes within the community” (Wiki) Open-source is widely used in various fields. As a computer science student, I use Java as an example to explain the advantages of the open-source.

     Java is my favorite open source language. As an open source, definitely, it is free to use. As a student who pays a large amount tuition fee every semester, I love all the free things J.  Java is also customizable. Java provides classes, libraries for user to create their projects. Because the source code is public to see and modify, I can use the class or library directly or I can modify the class according to my demands. I can add the functions in the class. I can change the structure of the class. I can do what I want to change. All of changes are acceptable. Java is flexible to use. I can use the older version; I can upgrade to the newest version. It is depended on my willing. The Java platform provides a lot of features to improve the security of java application. Java provides memory safety guarantees, and it limits the usage of uncertain unsafe operations when I write the codes.
Java has countless merits. I love it. I use Java to create small programs to solve my daily life on study and work. It makes my life easier to be handled.



  1. Nicely done post. Your brief description of what Open Source is in general is brief and informative. It is also well placed for those that may not know what Open Source is. Using Java as a specify example of Open Source is very helpful for people new to Open Source. By giving a detailed explanation of Java also shows your experience using it. Kudos on personalizing your post, your voice really comes out. Am not certain if the professor wants us to cite websites like you are at the end of your post.

  2. Hello Yibei,

    Your post is full of passion! You can see in the way you write that you really enjoy the versatility and cohesiveness that Java provides. Your post is extremely engaging and without a doubt the most conversational I've read.

    As far as criticisms go, there are a lot of "I" 's in your 2nd paragraph. I feel as if that many "I" 's disrupts the whole flow of the post. If you were to rewrite that part a different way I feel like this post would flow smoother.

    Overall, good post and I look forward to reading more of your blog!

  3. Hi Yibei,
    I have to say you did a great job at introducing java to public reader. As a person with no background of Java, I feel I know a little about it after I read your blog.
    Your mentioned some properties about Java, such as customize, flexible to use, and memory safety guarantees. These are all very informative to me.
    All in all, It is a good blog, and I am really enjoy reading.

  4. Hi Yi Bei,
    I find it interesting that you chose Java as the example of an open source project. As you know, Java was created by Sun Microsystems which was bought by Oracle in 2010. Java is actually one of the least open of all the open source projects. The main implementation is developed solely by Oracle behind closed doors. In fact, Google got sued for making their own version of Java for use in Android.
    Tim K
